ISSN: 1310–0270 (Print), 1314–8575 (Online)

  Editor-in-Chief: Acad. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc DHC mult., – Русенски университет   „Ангел Кънчев“
  Editor: Dr. Albena Simova, Assist. Prof.

   The "Strategies for policy in science and education" е  научно издание, основано през 1993 година, което има за цел да:

– Запознае педагогическите специалисти с управленски функции:  директори на образователни институции, експерти от регионалните инспекторати, както и специалисти в общини, с визията за      образователната политика на МОН.
- Present scientific analyzes and paradigms for the development of Bulgarian education in a European context for university professors and specialists from the scientific and educational sector in the higher education system.
– Present the strategic priorities in the field of scientific research with a theoretical and applied nature.
- Orient the teaching staff from all levels of the educational system how to apply innovative educational practices and their relationship with the scientific policy of the Ministry of Education and Science.
- Orient researchers in science and educational practice about implementation of project proposals and programs in a European and national context, laws, state educational standards, curricula and other documents of a recommendatory and directive nature related to the Bulgarian educational policy.
- Constant rubrics are maintained on politics in secondary and higher education, scientific policy, integration in the European educational and scientific space, results of scientific research, discussions, new books, etc.

The magazine is an organizer and co-organizer of discussions, round tables, scientific conferences dedicated to contemporary problems in Bulgarian education and science, a media partner in international educational projects.

Publication frequency – 6 issues per year.

0.4 (2023)                    Q4 (2023)
Impact factor             Rank by JIF

Strategii - Strategies articles are referenced and indexed in:

– Web of Science

– The Philosopher’s Index

– European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)

– Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

– EBSCOhost Research Databases

– Google Scholar, Primo (Ex Libris), Summon (ProQuest)






Strategii - Strategies articles are referenced and indexed in:

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