Dr. Aneta Rasheva, Assist. Prof.,Mrs. Russana Gadzhanova, PhD student,
Dr. Alexander Hristov, Assist. Prof.,
Prof. Monika Bogdanova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The present study presents summarized data on the opinion and attitudes of students majoring in “Social Activities” at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” regarding their pre-diploma practical training. The purpose of the present study is to determine how students evaluate the organization, content and conduct of their pre-graduate practical training as a basis and transition for their future professional
realization. The subjects of the study were 29 people (23 women and 6 men), in the
age range from 19 to 50 years. These are only students completing their studies in
the “Social Activitiesˮ studies at the University of Applied Sciences „St. Kliment
Ohridski“. The research was conducted in the period of June to July 2023. The
summary analysis of the results shows certain tendencies in the educational process,
as only half of the surveyed students in this major make a connection of the theoretical
knowledge accumulated during the years of study with practical implementation.
A large part of them, despite a positive attitude towards the profession they are
studying, declare that they experience a definition of worries and difficulties before
the initial start of their pre-graduate practice.
Keywords: social activities; practical training; pre-graduate practice; professional realization