Prof. Diana Ivanova, DSc.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. Anton Nikopit is one of the forgotten representatives of the Bulgarian Revival intelligence, whose pedagogical work is almost unexplored. The article is devoted to the merits of the Revival writer in education - as a teacher, author and translator of didactical literature. Issues related to his literary work are clarified, the focus of the study being Constantinos Vardalachos`s text book of - Μαθηματαδιὰτοὺςπαιδασ (Ученiя за дѣца-та, Lessons for Children), translated by him. A description and analysis of the contents of the handbook, its structure, its subject, as well as the applied methodology of the classroom and lesson system are made. The conclusion contains in ferences about the usefulness of the textbook in view of the modern European practices of education and training that enter the Bulgarian secular education directly or through Greek didactic literature, and the merits of A. Nikopit in this process.
Keywords: A. Nikopit; K. Vardalah; didactic literature; education; training
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