Dr. Margarita Dimitrova, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Nevena Ivanova, Head Assist. Prof
Medical University – Plovdiv
Absract. With the foreign medical students studying the specialty in English, we are developing a dynamic model of teaching Bulgarian as a foreign language. Using the textbook АЕ “Specialized Bulgarian language for foreign medical students, fourth revised editionˮ (Специализиран български език за чуждестранни студенти по медицина, четвърто преработено издание), we introduce interdisciplinarity for the realization of successful communicative competence through the direct connection theory - practice. Students analyze medical scientific texts in the field of cardiology and apply learned structures from the low and high register in simulated practical situations. The aim is to achieve good communication, motivated by theoretical and pragmatic training. It is essential to apply traditional and innovative methods, as well as tools of the procedural and control unit for reporting positive performance; they develop active thinking and imagination in students, create
conditions for effective practical learning.
Keywords: communicative competence; cardiology; hypertension; interdisciplinarity; traditional and innovative methods