Values and Behaviour in Several Novels of Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron
Absract. The aim of the text is to historically contextualize Decameron and to analyse the motives for certain behaviour of the characters in several of the novels. The author tries to outline some more general social values, which determine the personal behaviour. Decameron is referred to such events as the famine in 1346 – 1347; it fosters the plague in 1348, and to the changing socio-psychological situation from the end of the 1340-ies in Florence. An answer is sought to a question, topical for our contemporary society as well: what is the sense of security of the inhabitants in the town-republic in the 1340-ies and the beginning of the 1350-ies? The irresistible vitality in Decameron, most frequently expressed in intimacy of the bodies, is considered an effect of the sense of insecurity, which reigns both minds and hearts at the time of the plague pandemic. The value of life is enhanced and the experience of love makes this value tangible. A reference is made to the fabliau from the 13th c. and to The Romance of the Rose. In Decameron is present, although in an idealized form, the actual background of the republican government of Florence.
Keywords: Il Decameron; XIV century; plague epidemics in Europe; famine; insecurity; aristocratic and bourgeois values; behaviour; laws and women; human nature; love; homosexuality; promiscuity
Prof. Dr. Angel Angelov
Institute for Literature
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
The world of adults through the eyes of a growing child – an absurd, imperfect, changing world
Absract. The article presents linguistic and stylistic analysis of a chapter from the novel by Elitsa Georgieva „The Cosmonauts are just passing by“ and have been used for teaching Bulgarian for medical purposes.
The novel was written in Paris, where the author lives and studies, and won the Andre Debbroy Award for a debut book, written with humor and critical sentiments and was nominated for a Fleur prize (founded by Beigbeder) and 111th page. The chance E. Georgieva to be noticed by the pretentious French criticism is due to the fact that she graduated with Master degree of filmmaking and creative writing at the National Film Academy in Paris (La Fémis) and has an experience as a documentary director. During this school year the novel of the Bulgarian writer will be studied in some of the French high schools.
Keywords: second language acquisition; autofiction; Elitsa Georgieva
Теодора Вълова
Head of Sector of European Integration and Academic Exchange
Department of Language and Specialized Training
Medical university – Pleven
Absract. The article focuses on the benefits of introducing the Biblical study in the school on the learners’ literary interpretive competences. This study as a part of literature classes, although its place is not precise enough, and the number of hours provided for it is not enough, is important for the Bulgarian education after decades of silence about the existence of Biblical themes, images, and motifs. The paper points out that teaching should focus not only on the study of the Bible but on the way certain Biblical elements function in other works as well as practical examples with intertextual links and references are given. The paper emphasizes the importance of Biblical knowledge for cultural growth and shaping aesthetic taste of students.
motif; theme; Bible; literature; intertextuality; religious concept; culture
Dr. Maria Pileva
Sofia University
The Ways to Improvements in Methodological Training of Future Language and Literature Teachers for the Competence-based Approach Implementation
Abstract. In the article, the authors revealed some aspects of improvement in the methodological preparation of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature for the implementation of the competence-based approach which is deemed to be constitutive in international educational practice, in particular in Ukraine. Teaching in Ukrainian school is based on competence-based principles. The reform “New Ukrainian School” undertaken by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine aims at establishing school, at which it will be pleasant to study, and which will provide the learners not only with knowledge but also with the respective skills of applying it in everyday life which is changing rapidly in its social aspect, and the skills of being an active citizen of one’s own country.
The aforementioned challenges of contemporary life determine the preparation of teachers to the implementation of the competence-based approach into the educational process. In the article, a number techniques are highlighted, notably the types of activities applied at lessons of language and literature using the competence-based approach.
Keywords: educational process; competence-based approach; preparation of future language teachers
Natalia Bohdanets-Biloskalenko, Olena Goroshkina, Olena Kovalenko
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе
Bulgarian language and literature in primary school
Absract. The Bulgarian language and the Bulgarian literature include two research areas. They are complex related and are part of one whole subject in the initial stage of the primary level of education. The formation of students' literary competence becomes possible by building them together with language, communication speech and socio-cultural competences. These are the four areas of competence, on which basis the curricula in Bulgarian language and literature for the 1th to 4th grade is developed. The reason for conducting this research among representatives of the parents is the fact that the closest social environment is a factor which stimulates the formation of literary competences and is environment that objectively evaluates the abilities and the progress of the students.
Keywords: literary competence; initial stage of basic education; comprehension reading
Desislava Todorova
Sofia University
Importance of education in Bulgarian language at an early age as a prerequisite for successful learning in the next stage of development
Absract. Upbringing and education of children is essential to the development of society. The law on pre-school and school education provides for mandatory training of children before entering first grade. In this sense, Bulgarian language training starts in the kindergarten. In the preparatory group training provides the foundation for enabling primary school students to have sufficient knowledge to carry out complete educational process. The relationship between kindergarten and primary school is extremely important. The children who attended kindergarten and are trained have established skills in oral speech. Therefore, a key priority of the state and society is the inclusion of children from an early age and reaching the complete training of students in school.
Keywords: kindergarten; school; education; Bulgarian language; additional training
Mr. Tsvetanka Myankova
Kindergarten №64 “First of June”
Sofia, Bulgaria
A new methodical work dedicated to functional literacy of school students
Milanova, E. (2019). Razvivane na funktsionalnata gramotnost
na uchenitsite chrez obuchenieto po balgarski ezik. Sofia: CIELA, 228 p.
Prof. Dr. Angel Petrov
Sofia University
Ichevska, T. (2019). Meditsinata v balgarskata literatura.
Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“
Prof. Dr. Radoslav Radev
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Students’ Scientific Seminar “Pages from the History of Linguistics”
Dr. Encho Tilev
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
In Memory of Dr. Penka Garusheva-Karamalakova, Assoc. Prof. (1947 - 2020)
Dr. Fani Boykova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
In Memory of Dr. Borislav Georgiev, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Ognyana Georgieva-Teneva, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University