A Semantic Description of the Combinability between Verbs and Nouns (on Material from Bulgarian and English)
Abstract. This paper represents a methodology for defining restrictions on the semantic combinability between different semantic classes of verbs and the sets of nouns corresponding to the elements of their conceptual frame (i.e. the major participants in the situation described). Our observations focus on verb synsets from WordNet and their assigned FrameNet frames which mutually inform each other. We analyse the semantic information typical for each of the studied verb classes and define semantic restrictions on the nouns they combine with. The theoretical and empirical value of the provided semantic representations and restrictions lies in the enhanced modelling of verb-noun combinability which is universal enough to be applicable not only to the languages exemplified (English and Bulgarian), but (with possible modifications) to various other languages for which wordnets are available.
Keywords: Frame semantics; WordNet; FrameNet; VerbNet; semantic roles; semantic restrictions
Svetlozara Leseva, Ivelina Stoyanova,
Maria Todorova, Hristina Kukova
Institute for Bulgarian Language – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Metaphor in Logistics Terminology
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to attempt to present a systematized view on the contemporary understanding of metaphor, its essence, structure and manifestations in the discourse of logistics. Various classifications of metaphor are reviewed, and a new one is offered using the lexico-semantic method as well as based on and supported by the examples excerpted from a large corpus compiled especially for the study. It is worthwhile noting that metaphor can be viewed in many different ways, however, it will be explored here with regard to its manifestations in logistics terminology. The topic is worth discussing as metaphor provides better term recognition and comprehension. The findings can be relevant when teaching English for Logistics.
Keywords: metaphor; metaphorical term; classification logistics terminology
Galina V. Velikova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Language Components of Cluttering – a Theoretical Overview / Dobrinka Georgieva
Abstract. This study examined the views of fluency disorders specialists regarding cluttering. Bulgarian university lecturers (professionals specializing fluency disorders) completed a questionnaire that addressed their opinion concerning the nature of cluttering disorder. Based on their answers and a search of the research literature, a theoretical overview regarding cluttering is presented, including the perceived role of language in this fluency disorder.
Using a brief, 5-item questionnaire developed by Georgieva, 10 Bulgarian fluency-disorder specialists (with an average of 24 years of clinical experience) reported their professional opinion on cluttering concerning its definition and salient clinical characteristics. A subsequent search and analysis of the evidence-based literature on cluttering indicated that language is a very important part of cluttering.
Half of the questionnaire respondents associated cluttering with a language component. All the interviewed logopedists reported dominance of the fluency component and also noted the importance of the motor aspect of the disorder.
The fluency specialists demonstrated an understanding of the different communication characteristics of cluttering. Two-thirds of them believe that the language presence within cluttering is dominant.
Keywords: cluttering; fluency disorders; clinical symptoms; language disturbance
Prof. Dr. Dobrinka Georgieva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
Challenges of the University Teacher Training in Spain in the 21st Century
Abstract. In this paper, we identify recent researches, from Bologna (1989) and until 2010 that recognizes a revaluation of the F.P.U. in Spain, and some future challenges, such as, Training in the responsibility or putting science at the service of the transformation of society and towards a more just, more inclusive, more supportive world; Proposing a teacher training in teams, based on the practice reflected and shared among professionals, and for lifelong training; and aiming at a training focused on the Sector, interconnected, which favors the sustainability of European convergence.
Keywords: teacher training; educational challenges; teamwork; interconnected training
Prof. Dr. Mercedes Blanchard Giménez
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Autonomous University of Madrid
Scholarly Research Activities of the Foreign Lector
Absract. The paper deals with the pedagogical and research activities of Władysław Bobek, a lector of Polish language and literature at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava during the inter-war period. As a teacher he encouraged students in being interested in the Polish language, literature and culture.
He educated the first properly prepared generation of Slovak translators of Polish literature. As a scholar he laid foundations of the Polish-Slovak comparative research in literature and enriched the research of the history of the Slovak literature. He was interested in almost all Slavic philology and wrote papers also on the Bulgarian literature. W. Bobek surpassed expectations on foreign lectors. His contribution to the Slovak research is so inspiring that scholars reach out to his work until today.
Keywords: Władysław Bobek; Lector of Polish Language; Slovak-Polish Literature Relations; Comparative Literature Studies; Pencho Slaveykov
Dr. Zuzana Obertová
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
The Slovenian Model of Presenting the National Language and Culture at Foreign Universities and its Institutional Framework
Absract. The initial part of the paper introduces activities of the Center for Slovenian as the second and foreign language affiliated with the Department of Slovenian studies at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The central part of the paper discusses the state programme entitled “Slovenian at foreign universities” that organizes and coordinates activities of lectors of Slovenian language abroad. It describes respective aspects of the Slovenian model of foreign lectureships, mentioning requirements for education and experience of lectors, evaluation of their work, system of training and further education, as well as financing lectureships, providing specialized and research literature to lectureships, organizing joint international projects dedicated to presenting Slovenian culture abroad, and other activities.
Keywords: Slovene studies; lectureship; Slovene as a foreign language; Center for Slovene as a second and foreign language
Mag. Dr. Saša Vojtechová Poklač
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Lectureship of Slovene Language at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava in the Context of Slovak-Slovene Cultural Relationships
Absract. The first part of the paper deals with the history of Slovene studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava as well as the personalities who contributed to its development. The second part focuses mainly on the personality of the significant Slovenist Melichar Václav and his activities as a lecturer and translator. The author mentions his participation in the international youth Catholic organizations Pax Romana and Slavia Catholica, thanks to which he could spent one semester of the 1938 –1939 academic year at the University of Ljubljana, where he became familiar with Slovenian language and culture. Change of the political system in Czechoslovakia in 1948 had a negative impact on his social status and promising career as an editor. In 1974 he was given the opportunity to teach Slovenian language at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava, where he worked as a lecturer until 1987. His diligent work meant a significant contribution to the development of the Slovak-Slovenian cultural relations and his translations positively influenced the Slovenian literature reception in Slovakia.
Keywords: Slovene studies; Faculty of Arts; Comenius University in Bratislava; Slovak and Slovenian lecturers in Slovenian; Melichar Václav
Mag. Dr. Svetlana Kmecová
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
In Memory of Dr. Yordanka Simeonova, Assoc. Prof
28.08.1946 – 25.07.2018
1)Prof. Pavlinka Stefanova
2)Prof. Dimitar Vesselinov
1)New Bulgarian University Sofia, Bulgaria
2) Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"
A New Look at Turkish Grammar through the Prism of the Polish Language
Ekrem Causevic
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
New Studies from Spatial Prepositions in Russian and Bulgarian (Lexicographic Aspect)
Dr. Irina Georgieva
New Bulgarian University