Editorial Board Members
Features of Using Kodu Game Lab in Teaching Programming in Elementary School
Abstract. The article presents the research results on the development of methodological approaches to the propaedeutics programming in primary school using Kodu Game Lab environment. The authors have considered a variety of current trends in primary education programming, and in addition,connection between learning programming with the development of computer thinking, the formation of a “new literacy” and the achievement of the results of primary education. The authors identify seven methodological aspects of using Kodu Game Lab and give examples of their implementation. In addition, the article takes into account the lack of sufficient statistical support for the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed approaches and formulates further ways of research. But also brings the arguments in favor of the use of the above methodological approaches.
Keywords: computer science; primary school; programming; propedeutics of programming; Kodu Game Lab
1)Adel Kaplan, 2)Dmitry Pavlov, 3)Myrad Myradov
State Educational Institution “School № 2009” – Moscow (Russia)
2)Moscow State Pedagogical University – Moscow (Russia)
3)State Educational Institution “School № 1190” – Moscow (Russia)
Integrated Didactical Model for the Formation and Development of Mathematical Skills at the Pre-Secondary Stage of the Basic Education
Absract. Three author’s didactical models are presented, which are applied in the elementary level of the basic educational degree, which can be used by educators for the optimization of the process of forming and developing mathematical skills, which are necessary in the modern society. The models are probated with fifth grade students.
The Multimedia formation of mathematical skills model benefits for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through multimedia tutorials that provide multivariate presentation and assimilation of information across multiple sensory channels. The developed model for compilation of mathematical problems with spread sheets – Generation of problems by Excel is applicable to all stages of education. The two models are integrated into a synergistic model– Multimedia learning and generating problems.
Keywords: integrated didactical model; formation and development of mathematical skills; multimedia learning; generating mathematical problems; Microsoft Excel
Dr. Desislava Georgieva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Intergrating the Curriculum in Mathematics and Technologies and Entrepreneurship in 5th Grade
Absract. The present paper analyzes the State Educational Standards, the State Educational Requirements and the school programs in Mathematics and Technologies and entrepreneurship in the 5th grade with respect to the real possibilities for integrating knowledge in Mathematics and Technologies and entrepreneurship. A concrete option for implementing an integrated learning process is proposed.
Keywords: mathematics; technology and entrepreneurship; interrelationships; integration; motivation
Mr. Kostadin Petleskov
“Otets Paisii” School Stamboliiski, Bulgaria
Gender Issues in Virtual Training for Mathematical Kangaroo Contest
Abstract. In today’s technologically enhanced world, mathematics competitions have become accessible to more boys and girls interested in challenging tasks. In previous studies, we were focused on the issue of attracting girls to mathematics generally, and math competitions specifically. We found that boys showed better results. Furthermore, across all five grades (2 – 6), the girls’ performance on some tasks was better than that of the boys. Further investigation is required to ascertain the existence of a particular trend, and the possible underlying factors. In this paper we present gender-related issues pertinent to virtual training for the Israeli Mathematical Kangaroo Contest in Grades 5 and 6. We evaluated whether any differences existed in participation patterns between boys and girls, and their performance in online problem-solving programmes.
Keywords: gender; online mathematics competitions; challenge; problem-solving
1,2) Mark Applebaum, 1)Erga Heller, 1)Lior Solomovich, 1)Judith Zamir
1) Kaye Academic College of Education – Beer Sheva (Israel)
2) The RANGE Centre, University of Haifa – Haifa (Israel)
Analysis of the Problems and the Performance of the 11th and 12th Grade Students in the XIX Mathematical Tournament “Perperikon”]
Absract. The paper presents the problems for XI and XII grades from the 19th Mathematical Tournament “Perperikon”, held in the city of Kardzhali on November 30, 2019. Methodological solutions of the problems are proposed. An analysis of the results achieved by the participants is done and the level of their preparation for such type of mathematical competitions is assessed.
Keywords: образование; математически състезания
1) Prof. Sava Grozdev, 2) Prof. Dr. Rosen Nikolaev, 3) Dr. Tanka Milkova, Assoc. Prof.
1) University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship
2,3) Varna University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria
Klamkin‘s Inequality and its Application
Abstract. In this paper we consider a very useful inequality that Murray Klamkin1) proved in 1975 (Uldmkin, 1975). The inequality has many applications, proving new inequalities included. A proof and some applications are proposed.
Keywords: Klamkin‘s inequality; triangle sides; scalar product; law of cosines; application; examples
Šefket Arslanagić, Daniela Zubović
University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Some Applications of Spiral Similarity
Absract. Same basic properties of spiral similarity are considered. Their applications are discussed in generalizing well known plane geometry problems and a problem from the 60th International Mathematical Olympiad paper.
Keywords: geometric transformation; homothety; spiral similarity; IMO problem; solution
1)Prof. Sava Grozdev, DSc., 2)Dr. Veselin Nenkov, Assoc. Prof.
1)University of Finance, Business Entrepreneurship – Sofia, Bulgaria
2)“Nikola Vaptsarov” Naval Academy – Varna, Bulgaria
Solutions of the Contest Problems from Issue 2, 2019
Contest Problems of this Issue