Vision of Digital Competences of Primary School Students and Teachers in Bulgaria in Educational Documentation of the Subject “Computer Modelling”
Dr. Lyubka Aleksieva, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Veronica Racheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This paper is the first part of a larger study on the vision of digital competences of primary school students and teachers in Bulgaria in the educational documentation…
Analysis of the Digital Competencies of Physics Teachers in Bulgaria According to the Digcompedu Framework
Dr. Ivelina Kotseva, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Maya Gaydarova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski’’ (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This article is a review of the reports delivered by Bulgarian physics teachers on the National Conference on Physics Education in the period 2007 – 2023 in the context of their digital competencies’ development…
Digital Competence and Science Education in Bulgarian Secondary School: Curriculum Analysis
Dr. Nadezhda Raycheva, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Milena Kirova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Digital competence has been identified as a key competence in European education policy. In Bulgarian education, it is developed both directly through subjects aimed specifically at it, and indirectly through training in all other subjects...
Regarding digitalization and school geography
Dr. Maya Vasileva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Pervasive digitization in a school context does not simply imply a new way of teaching and learning, it is projected into the learning content and into the lesson...
The role of digital competence in school historical education
Dr. Katya Misheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The publication presents an analysis of the place and role of digital competences embedded in school documentation and curriculum in history and civilizations...
Digital Competence in Foreign Language Textbooks: Comparative Analysis of Language Learning Systems in English, German and Spanish
Dr. Irena Dimova,
Dr. Plamen Tsvetkov,Dr. Mihal Pavlov
Sofia University
Absract. The current article is aimed at examining the application of information and communication technologies in present-day foreign language learning systems in Bulgaria...
Leadership in the Context of Digitalization of Education – through the Prism of Government Documents and Scientific Research
Prof. Vasya Delibaltova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The problem field in which this article is oriented is delimited, on the one hand, from digitalization in education as necessity and benefit, and on the other hand, leadership as a role and function...
Digital Learning and its Design in the Context of Mass Digitization
Ralitsa Tareva, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. Mass digitization and high-technological advances have transformed the educational landscape and the ways people learn...