Editorial Board Members
Анализ на участието на България в програма „Хоризонт 2020“
в периода 2014 – 2018 г.
Absract. The objective of the research is to present an analysis of the participation of Bulgaria in the EU “Horizon 2020” Program. The research methods used in the study involve comparative and content analysis, table and graphical presentation of data. The results of the research represent generalizations and analyses of the success rate of Bulgarian applicants by type of applicant organization and recommendations for possible policy measures that could contribute to enhancing the effectiveness and quality of the research proposals. The results of the research provide ground for evidence-based recommendations and decisions on the future policy measures in the science sector and their implementation in Bulgaria.
Keywords: “Horizon 2020” financing; success rate; success factors
Dr. Svetla Boneva
University of National and World Economy
Where Does This Path Lead to? Findings Based on Certain Particularities of the System of Primary and Secondary Education in Bulgaria
Abstract. The reform of the secondary education is among the declared priorities of the present state government so the public witnesses a great effort in terms of multiple amendments of the regulatory arrangement and of the organization of the pre-school and school education system. One of the most important steps in this endeavor is the attempt to achieve a formal comparison between the International standard classification of education (ISCED 11) and the national curriculum by setting a firm ceiling of 12 grades for the period of school education as well as introducing elements of the PISA tests in the national external examination. The present study is aiming, with the help of economic principles and methodology, to analyze the current stage of development of that reform. The detailed review of the results by means of discussion the available evidence and of the legal arrangement shows that the measures taken lead to an outcome, different than the one expected by the society. The reasons are many and complex but the main one is that the newly introduced law regulating the secondary education system keeps the old-fashioned philosophy of the abolished law and views the compulsory education as a necessity but does not recognize and incorporate contemporary theories about the psychological and social development of the individuals. As a result, the established rules, first, put too steep obstacles for passing between some of the education levels and second, do not correctly estimate the systematic significance of certain study subjects forming key competencies of the young people in connection with the future demand needs of the labor market. The high frequency of changes in the regulations combined with missing transparency in the moves of the administration create preconditions that obstruct students to put together a long-term strategy for improvement of their knowledge, skills, and competencies. The existence of these preconditions means that the students will view each consequent change as a treat for their development and that affects the public interest in their education. Keywords: reform of school education; national curriculum; ISCED 11; PISA test
Dr. Milen Velushev, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) as Possibility of Dissemination and Access to Scientific Knowledge in the Field of Social and Humanitarian Sciences from and for Central and Eastern Europe
Absract. During the last twenty years, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) became a leading database and repository offering a highly specialized and comprehensive collection of full text indexed documents in the fields of Humanities and Social Science publications from and about Central and Eastern Europe. Journal articles, eBooks and Grey Literature items are included in 50+ languages, allowing access to the primary source in one repository and fostering the language diversity in academic research and publishing.
The dissemination process of the content in CEEOL includes the following discovery systems: Google Scholar, ProQuest´s Serial Solutions, Summon, Primo Central, Alma, EBSCO´s EDS Discovery Service and Knowledge Base, TDNet and OCLC. The CEEOL´s partnership with Clarivate Analytics allows Web of Science editors having access to the CEEOL platform for easier analysis, selection and indexing of CEEOL journals that interest the Web of Science community. Institutional subscribers (states’, universities’, institutes’ libraries, etc.) worldwide appreciate CEEOL for providing researchers, scholars, students, librarians and library patrons the access to indexed and archived Journals, eBooks and Grey Literature documents from and about Central and Eastern Europe by leading academic and scholarly publishers.
The Bulgarian collection of journals and books holds a special place in CEEOL due to the high quality of scientific content and the depth and the completeness of the digital archives of the Bulgarian periodicals. CEEOL is a unique source of information for the development of Bulgarian humanities and social sciences for the past over 30 years, and that source could be used more widely in Bulgaria for supporting this development in the future. The study uses a comparative approach and analyzes the results of some of the business analytics tools of the CEEOL system.
Ключови думи: CEEOL; база данни; хуманитарни науки; издателска дейност
Dr. Detelin Luchev
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – BAS
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Ethnic Upbringing as a Part of the Ethnic Culture
Abstract. The necessity of studying the problem of ethnic education as part of ethnic culture. Growth of ethnic consciousness of people of Kazakhstan in the modern paradigm of social development has a number of features that are also manifested in the cultural and educational aspects of life.
Professional culture – is the art, science, literature, philosophy, theology, etc. All these areas are also quite closely related with ethnicity and are not to designed spontaneously, on a conscious level to serve their people, preserve and develop its ethnic culture. For arts and literature, this function is more important than for philosophy, theology and science, although they have ethno-specific features. Folklore is played very important role, if it is properly comprehended in the professional culture.
The level of ethnoculture is directly related with the dialectic development of material and spiritual culture. It means that continuity in the development of spiritual ethnoculture, at firstly master and use heritage of their ancestors, and the secondly, to be critical to him, creatively processing desired samples to use them for the benefit of society.
With the changing social, economic and ideological situation, ethnographic images of our life and changed the place of our folk culture and its Ethnopedagogical orientation. Urgency of the problem dictated by the lack of scientific validity of pedagogical conditions of ethnic education of future professionals in a multicultural space in the theory of pedagogy.
Keywords: culture; education; ethnic education; ethnic culture
Sholpankulova Gulnar Kenesbekovna
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Development and Current Models of Interaction „Educational Institutions – Family” as Measures to Take over Reflective Factors for Discrimination in Education
Absract. The modern education system is faced with the challenge, together with its elements, in new realities to carry out its functions and to fulfill all its obligations and responsibilities in accordance with the Law on Pre-school and School Education, and at the same time in an integrated approach to fulfill the requirements of the European and international legislation in the field of education. Not only the concept of relations in the educational system is changing, not only the desires, skills, motivation, goals and needs of the participants in the process are changing – the educational environment itself is changing in order to provide the most suitable conditions for educational integration, tailored to the individual features of each child and student. Educational integration is an institutional process whereby educational entities carrying ethnocultural specificities interact in a unified educational environment, forming intercultural competences and shared civic values in the process of education and upbringing, preserving their ethnocultural identity and receiving equal opportunities for social realization. An indisputable factor in the effectiveness of this process is the provision of a supportive educational environment through the management and implementation of „educational institution – family“ interaction models, as well as the introduction of family-oriented models to overcome reflective factors leading to difficult communication between the actors involved. in the educational process.
Keywords: non-teaching staff; inclusive education; parent interaction; educational mediation
Mr. Lalo Kamenov
Sofia University
Educational Policy in the Classical Jean Piaget’s Approach in Bulgarian Inclusive Education
Absract. The paper offers a tested model which would enhance the effective educational policy in the mainstream schools. Additionally, it would assist mainstream and support teachers in the classroom during the teaching process of studen/s with special educational needs. Using this Model the specialist is able to define the concrete intellectual level of the student based ont he Piaget’s phenonena.
The suggested Model is experimentally tested with 56 children and students – the results and findings are described in the text of the paper.
Keywords: special educational needs; cognitive development; Jean Piaget; inclusive education.
Milen Zamfirov
Sofia University
About the Light She Shed… In Memory of Prof. Assemgul Maldazhanova
Prof. Irina Koleva