Dr. Simona Samuilova
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
Absract. The article aims to analyze the history of Bulgarian-American relationship after the end of the Cold War with an emphasis on the changes that occur in the scientific and educational contacts between the two countries. The study is based on unpublished documents from the Scientific Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS), Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the „Commission for Disclosure of Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens with the State Security and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Armed Forces“, official documents and published data of American educational and research institutions, as well as the research of leading authors and participants in the events. The analysis of the changes in the bilateral cooperation after the end of the Cold War found the educational exchange programs of the U.S. Nongovernmental Organizations to be incapable of rapid transformation in line with the new political realities. Their place was taken by the American universities, which proved to be far more “flexible” and able to respond to the changing needs of time.
Keywords: USA; Bulgaria; American University in Bulgaria; American College in Sofia; Fulbright, educational exchange programs