Veselina Georgieva, Tanya Ivanova
Alexander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata Primary School
Absract. The binary (also called integrated or synthesized) lesson is considered as a non-traditional form of organization of learning. This type of lessons is applied both in vocational education and in general education school. In binary lessons, theoretical knowledge and practical skills are formed inseparably. They can unite two teachers from different subjects and fields. Binary lessons have a more specific technology of preparation and conduct than traditional lessons. Their structure is very dynamic and flexible depending on the type of lesson (lesson-lecture, lessonseminar, lesson-talk, lesson-discussion, lesson-conference, summary lesson, etc.). Such lessons are usually difficult to fit into a lesson. It is good for such lessons to be paired, because they favor the development of dialogic communication and
interaction of teachers with each other, as well as between each of them and the students. The availability of two sources of information stimulates students to be actively involved in the learning environment, to compare different points of view, to express their opinions and attitudes. During such a lesson, they have the opportunity not only to master a much larger amount of information than traditional, but also to develop and improve their communication skills, to show initiative and creativity.
Keywords: binary lesson; integrated approach; skills development