Valentina Grancharova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Globalization is a significant factor for optimization of the existing transport chains. It is a major power for sustainable development of containerized transport, the relevant transport infrastructure and terminal equipment.
The development of seaports and inland waterway connections became important part in global supply chain. The transportation models which are using multimodal transport service consist from maritime, port and hinterland parts. Choosing the appropriate strategy allows the shipping companies to reduce the transport cost and helps them to be more competitive on the cargo market. This article aims to identify the challenges and prospects for development of multimodal transport operations with containerized cargoes using of system approach to the each subsystems of the multimodal transport chain. To achieve the scope of the paper, research has been done on the global effects that big shipping companies contribute to the final transport cost; to the organization in container terminals and further influence on the local terminal operators; to the improvement of port infrastructure, including the number of offered services and implementation of innovations for increasing terminal efficiency. As a result, the main parameters for evaluation of the importance of one container terminal in the supply chain are defined.
Keywords: port; port terminal; container; multimodal transport