Assoc. Prof. Ognyana Georgieva-Teneva, DSc.
New Bulgarian University
Jasmina Jovanovich
University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Absract. This paper presents data from an empirical study on reading fiction for pleasure. The study covers students from the NBU and the University of Belgrade, Serbia. The aim of the publication is to bring a new touch to the portrait of the student as a reader. Based on the respondents' information, it is argued that reading on both sides of the Bulgarian-Serbian border is often approached with the
same motivation; the main reason for distancing from reading is the lack of time,
but also the lack of interest; the ways of relating to the fiction text can be defined
as “autonomous reading”, “escapist syndrome”, “syndrome of chosen infantilism”.
Keywords: reading; fiction; pleasure; students; New Bulgarian University; University of Belgrade