Assoc. Prof. Ilian Minkov,
Assoc. Prof. Yordan Ivanov
University of Economics – Varna
Abstract. In the current conditions of a dynamic and highly competitive market environment, the official corporate culture of companies published online plays an essential role in building up their image. However, the question of importance for the managers of business organizations is whether and to what extent the scope of publicization of corporate culture elements affects their market performance and financial and economic results. The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between the degree of development of the publicized corporate culture of courier companies in Bulgaria and the level of their profitability as a key financial and economic indicator. The results show that, depending on the nature of the proclaimed elements, the publicized corporate culture exerts between a weak and a significant influence on the sales revenue of the studied companies.
Keywords: corporate culture; publicized corporate culture; profitability; courier companies