Emanuela Marinova, PhD Student
Sofia University
Dr. Katerina Shtereva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This article presents a model for the examination of phonology in aphasia, discussing the process of its adaptation to the characteristics of the Bulgarian language. A definition of the term “aphasia” and a brief overview of the models for examination of persons with this disorder are presented. Theories related to phonology in aphasia and lexical access are examined, as well as two
main approaches in phonology - structuralist and generative. From the commented
theories, the opinion is formed that the phoneme and syllable specificities are
critical for language not only in typical individuals, but also in those with aphasia.
In order to examine the principle of adaptation of a specialized tool for the study
of phonological processing in aphasia, an already existing foreign language methodology is discussed and its adaptation to the characteristics of the Bulgarian
language is presented, which are also summarized. The possible contributions,
application and research perspectives of such a specialized study related to the
diagnosis and therapy of aphasia are revealed.
Keywords: aphasia; phonology; phonological examination in aphasia; reading and writing in aphasia