Цветомира Иванова
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The article presents the structure of experimental research activity in comparison with the structure of activity and in particular the structure of cognitive activity. An interpretation of its structural components and their inherent research skills has been made in terms of the acquisition of the content of the subject “Man and nature” in the elementary classes. The “goal” is highlighted as a key component of this structure, as the success of the activity (in particular that of the research activity) largely depends on the degree of its awareness and its formulation. The pursuit of developing the motivational system from separate behavioral acts (when conducting individual experiments) into a system of motives for the overall behaviour of the individual (the emergence of a research spirit and a lasting cognitive need to explore, study, verify, prove) is a key point in the experimental research activity of the students. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the transition through all its components in order for it to be complete, in order to achieve a result the practical applicability of which needs to be demonstrated.
Keywords: experimental research activity; structure; Man and nature subject; elementary classes