Prof. Yana Rasheva-Merdjanova, DSc.
Prof. Monika Bogdanova, DSc.
Dr. Iliana Petkova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The transgressive concept and approach are already a recognized paradigm in both the natural and social sciences. They have been developing in parallel with the ideas of synergy and transdisciplinarity, transversality and globalism. In recent years, their pedagogical projection in the international and Bulgarian context has been taking shape more and more clearly. Their methodical
application, related to the synergistic philosophical platform, is dictated by the
experience in teaching philosophy at university level, as well as career guidance of
young people as an extremely sensitive area for them. The focus on “transgressive
career development of transversal personalities in/through nonformal education” in this paper is a complex subject, synergizing various levels from the concept to the tools. Eventually, it becomes evident how every true Idea is realized by itself.
Keywords: transgressive orientation; synergic orientation; career orientation; philosophy at school; philosophical modeling and extrapolation