Lieutenant commander Georgi Kalinov
Bulgarian NAVY Headquarters – Varna
Absract. For many years, Bulgaria has been one of the leading countries with highly developed parachuting since the dawn of its birth as a sport. With this comes the doubt about his safety, due to frequent injuries, including deaths. At the beginning of the basis of scientific research, a brief history of parachuting on a global scale and in Bulgaria is considered. The Discussion section presents the types of injuries that occur during parachute jumps, their characteristics and prevention. The research methodology includes the search for statistical data from official sources (parachute federations and associations), their compilation and analysis.
The study looked at data to determine annual skydiving performance periods
in France, Sweden, the United States, Great Britain and Germany. In Bulgaria, there are no detailed statistics of injuries during parachute jumps, but only of fatal cases, which for the period from 1963 to 2003 were 20, including the performance of official duties by military personnel, which is why the Bulgarian data are not included in the Results section. The results and discussion reveal the essence of
skydiving as a sport, qualifying it as a highly attractive and relatively safe sport nowadays.
Keywords: parachuting; parachute jumps; injuries