Prof. Alexander Panov, DSc.
Institute for Literature - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The article analyzes Victor Paskov's story “The Ballad of Georg Henich”, following the four genre paradigms that build its unique composition. These paradigms are: ballad, story, memoir and passion. Each of them has its own way of processing the life material, its own composition and way of building the images of the main characters, its own way of posing the artistic problem, as well as a specific way of impact and social function. Despite the differences between the four genre paradigms clearly present in this book, its semantic world is emphatically unified. This unity is ensured by the fact that the idea of truth underlies all four genre models. In essence, this book observes four ways of presenting and evaluating the truth, which are so organically intertwined that they form a unique, harmonious and emotionally convincing whole.
Keywords: genre; ballad; story (povest); memoire; passion