Dr. Ognyana Georgieva-Teneva, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University
Absract. The article reveals the attitude of “Zlatorog” towards state policies in culture and education. With the help of the problem-chronological and culturological approach is substantiated the statement that the journal insists on the state management of the spiritual life to be based on the principles of high professionalism, humanity and free development of the creative abilities. Some new arguments support the view that this journal is not apolitical and aesthetically self-closed, but is an active participant in the public debate on the culture and the value formation of young people. “Zlatorog” is presented as a platform for independent intellectuals concerned with the spiritual growth of society who critically analyze the state’s cultural and educational directives and act as their corrective.
Keywords: “Zlatorog”; culture; education; policies; humanity; democracy