WITH A MISSION FOR NATIONAL AND CULTURAL INDIVIDUALITY(On the Occasion of 135 Years since the Opening of the First Higher Pedagogical Course in Bulgaria (1888)
Dr. Nadezhda Krasteva, Assoc. Prof.,
Prof. Yordan Kolev, DSc.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The legal-pedagogical analysis focuses on the opening of the first Higher Pedagogical Course (1888) and its implementation as a higher school with the main task of preparing teachers to work for the national and cultural individuality of the Bulgarians...
Revolution 5.0 (Industry 5.0) and Some Dimensions of Education 5.0
Prof. Natalia Vitanova, DSc.
Faculty of Education
University of Shumen “Bishop Konstantin Preslavsкi”
Shumen, Bulgaria
Absract. This article is an attempt to present Revolution 5.0 and the resulting changes in Industry 5.0 and Education 5.0...
The Role of the Special Teacher in the Formation of Motivation for Educational Activities of Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Dr. Svitlana Mykhalska, Assoc. Prof.,
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Myronova,
Dr. Tetiana Dokuchyna, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Maryana Buinyak
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. Motivation for learning activities of students with intellectual disabilities is one of the factors of their success and development…
Teacher Education and its Significance for Institutional Quality in Kindergarten and School
Dr. Magdalena Stoyanova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Seeing the status and professional development of teachers, principals and other pedagogical specialists has been the focus of the pedagogical academic community in university environments for four years now....
Health Еducation for Addiction Prevention
Dr. Lyubka Atanasova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. This report is a detailed analysis of the adequacy of curriculum and extracurricular activities in the fight against substance abuse...
Right to Education for Children with Special Educational Needs
Dr. Maria Dishkova, Assoc. Prof.
Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov University
8010 Burgas, Bulgaria
Absract. The right to education is a constitutional right of every citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria, including children with special educational needs...
Main Current Problems of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Two EU Countries – the Netherlands and Bulgaria
Anna Jonkers
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Prof. Dr. Tsetska Kolarova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This publication is a result of the joint work of an Erasmus student from the Netherlands and a lecturer at Sofia University in Bulgaria as a host country…
Achievements and Challenges in Guaranteeing the Best Interests of Unaccompanied Minors, Seeking International Protection in Bulgaria
Dr. Daniela Racheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Unaccompanied migrant children are a specific group of children with specific problems and needs...
“Children’s Rights in Pandemic Times?” – Germany’s Handling of Children’s Rights during the Pandemic Put to the Test
Maike Nadar
University for Applied Sciences (Germany)
Abstract. Children are the age group least at risk of getting infected with COVID-19. However, children are (or have been) the hardest hit by almost all Corona public health measures…
The Concept of Emotional Intelligence in the Context of the Educational Phenomenon in the Work of Janusz Korczak
Evgenia Chausheva
Sofia University
Absract. The current study is devoted to the concept of emotional intelligence in the work of Janusz Korczak...