MDr. Milena Dimitrova (1), Dr. Dancho Dilkov, Assist. Prof. (1), Galina Dimitrova, Assist. Prof. (1),
СDr. Stoyan Vezenkov, Аssoc. Prof. (2), Росица Дойновска (2)
(1) Military Medical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria
(2) South-West University "Neofit Rilski" Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Abstract. Experiencing loss and grief after a failed attempt at assisted reproduction leads to serious emotional repercussions for the mother and the couple as a whole. To pinpoint the philosophical-existential fears of the mother “that wasn’t” is of great importance, for it allows deliberate work to be done to help the present loss reaction. The serious medico-psychosocial problem present deserves to be examined due to the wide philosophical-ethical resonances it leads to. In some cases the reaction to loss can lead to a rejection of further tries, to “unlocking” depression and other mental illnesses. The authors present their own study involving 29 women aged 28-43, evaluated with two standardized self-assessment psychological questionnaires for depression and anxiety, an interview and a survey. Based on the provided result data the patients most often had difficulties overcoming their loss, due to being situated in the phases of Anger and Depression, as based on the Stages of Grief, and report symptoms of generalized stress, depression and anxiety. Patients remain certain in the need for individual and group psychosocial work to overcome the loss.
Keywords: terminated pregnancy; assisted reproduction; philosophical and social aspects; overcoming grief
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