Rino Bošnjak, Zvonimir Lušić , Filip Bojić, Dario Medić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The common practice in world-wide ports is that they have determined procedures regarding number of required tugs depending usually on most important factors such as weather criteria and size of vessel. This article presents various rules for some ports which is defined in their Safety Management System and criteria in choosing optimum number of tugs and optimum bollard pull. It is also described how various towage requirements can be assessed through the use of maritime simulators and which parameters are important and how the same can be obtained and assessed. General guidelines will also be defined in the article which must be taken into consideration for optimal choosing of tug boats. The science method used in this article is known as comparative analyses between computation and simulation on simulator; results are presented in figure 10.
Keywords: ship; optimal number of tugs; bollard pull; guidelines; external factors