Dr. Ivelina Kotseva, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Maya Gaydarova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski’’ (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This article is a review of the reports delivered by Bulgarian physics teachers on the National Conference on Physics Education in the period 2007 – 2023 in the context of their digital competencies’ development. Its main goal is to provide a comprehensive exploration of the integration of digital technologies in physics education, emphasizing their role in enhancing teachers’ and learners’ digital competence across various dimensions. The study emphasizes on the significance of digital technologies in fostering digital literacy, communication, collaboration, content creation, responsible use, and problem solving among students in alignment with the DigCompEdu framework. Digital technologies, including virtual labs, simulations, coding platforms, and mobile apps, offer students dynamic and interactive learning experiences, promoting information and media literacy and hands-on experimentation.
Keywords: physics education, digital technologies, digital competencies, DigCompEdu