Dr. Nadezhda Raycheva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Science could be thought as mature in cases it obtains clear terminology and methodology i.e. recognizable scientific language and object to be researched. The integrative sciences, such as the methodology of biology education, face the challenge to look for themselves “overshadow” of other sciences related to object or methodology. In search for defined territory among sciences, critically important is elucidating the categories and deducing fundamental concepts of a given science. Transfer of experience takes place in four-dimensional system – on first place, are ideas, on the second, are symbols, signs, and terms related with ideas; the third dimension is objective meaning, other words representation in reality (in culture as values – technological, ethical, aesthetical and so on) and the last dimension is methodological that marks interaction subject-object in research field. These four dimensions encompass the territory of scientific and educational sense and can be used as a methodological framework in developing fundamental categories of a specific science.
Keywords: categories; methodology of biology education; scientific methodological framework