Dr. Hilda Terlemezyan, Assoc. Prof.
Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. One of the biggest challenges in the organization of the educational
process in English is overcoming the limitations of time and space to develop
communicative skills in the target language. This paper introduces vlogging as an
instructional strategy and measures its effectiveness through the opinion of third
and fourth-year students who participated first in a directed vlogging task and then
in a focus interview. The interviewed students were a total of 60 from B1 – B2 level
of English from the 3rd and 4th year of the NUPCHE undergraduate program at
Plovdiv University “Paisi Hilendarski”. The assignment was accompanied by an
analytical type of rubric that clearly marked the assessment criteria by levels of
performance. The results of the interview revealed the advantages of vlogging as
an additional opportunity to develop integrated communicative skills in a foreign
language outside the classroom. Most of the participants perceived vlogging as a
positive experience with benefits mainly in the direction of productive skills and
developing creativity and confidence in the language being studied.
Keywords: vlogging; foreign language; integrated communication skills