Dr. Vilislav Radev, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article is devoted to the application of information technologies in the creation of educational games for the acquisition of new knowledge in primary school. Specialized software Scratch for introducing computer culture to children is reviewed. The basis for the developed animated module is the mathematics textbook for the third grade, authored by Prof. Dr. Vladimira Angelova and Zhana Koleva, “Prosveta plus” publishing house, Sofia, 2017. An animated Scratch
module is presented to acquire and practice competence on the topic of Addition
and subtraction of numbers up to 1000 without crossing. The game can be used as
part of a lesson for new knowledge, for exercise, as well as for independent work.
Keywords: digital technologies, Scratch, technologies, competence, game model