Dr. Andriyana Andreeva, Assoc. Prof. , Dr. Darina Dimitrova, Assist. Prof.
University of Economics – Varna
Absract. The article examines issues related to the training in the specialty of “Judicial Administration” for the acquisition of the profession of judicial officer.
On the one hand, the authors analyze in retrospect the emergence of the need to
train judicial administration employees, the introduction of the profession and the
creation of the specialty “Judicial Administration” in the Bachelor's degree in higher education. On the other hand, in connection with the identification of the current trends concerning the educational needs of the judicial administration, related to the acquisition of digital knowledge, skills and competences, anonymous surveys
were conducted with judicial officers from the structure of the courts in the city
of Varna and students from the Judicial Administration specialty studying at the
University of Economics – Varna. For this purpose, questionnaires with questions
were constructed and the data obtained were summarized and analyzed.
On the basis of the research, topical issues concerning the need for modern approaches to training, corresponding to the digitalization of social relations, including the judicial system, are put on the field of scientific debate. It formulates summaries and conclusions with a view to updating the training documentation and linking it to the needs of practice.
Keywords: training; judicial administration; digital competences