Rositsa Georgieva, PhD student
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. In recent years, an increasing digitalization has been observed in all spheres of life on a global scale. The demand for specialists in the field of ICT requires their preparation to start at school with the study of programming and IT. Good practices and increasing interest in game-based learning are observed at all levels of secondary education. Different environments, programming languages and learning approaches are used in the Computer Modeling and Informatics disciplines. The focus of the article are sample tasks and methodical implementation for non-profiled training in programming for high school students by creating games. The terminology related to game-based learning and the role
of tasks in mastering learning content are presented. The main focus is on creating
fun games implemented in Python programming language using turtle graphics
in Mu programming environment. The sample tasks are supported by methodical
instructions. Guidelines are also given for their use in training. In the conclusion,
the possibilities for training in programming in profiled and non-profiled high
schools are discussed.
Keywords: educational computer games; gamification; game-based learning; programming; Python programming language; turtle graphics; Mu programming environment