Двойното сляпо рецензиране в научната периодика в сферата на хуманитаристиката – аспекти на използването на publons в България
Assoc. Prof. Asen Kozhukharov, DSc.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Dr. Atanaska Cholakova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. Based on Publons and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) data, we analyze the state of peer-review procedures' implementation in Bulgarian SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) scholarly journals.
Humanistic Perception оf National Security – а Basic Concept For Security аnd Defense Education аnd Training
Assoc. Prof. Elitsa Petrova, DSc.
Prof. Stoyko Stoykov, DSc.
Vasil Levski National Military University – Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This article considers the humanistic perception of national security as a basic concept for security and defence training and education…
Higher Education In а Pandemic: Global Implications Based оn A Case Study From Bulgaria
Dr. Albena Stefanova
Assoc. Prof. Georgi Zabunov
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an ultimate challenge affecting all areas of human activity. Higher education had to respond by revealing its potential to adapt to and tackle the negative effects of the crisis so as to keep the quality of academic education and research…
Innovative Educational Practices and Policies through the Application of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies
Dr. Kliment Naydenov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Modern global education is characterized by an active transition to the use of new geographic information technologies...
Discussion Points Related to Training in Statistics as a Share of Mathematics in School Education
Dr. Margarita Lambova, Assoc. Prof., Dr.Vanya Stoyanova, Assist. Prof.
University of Economics – Varna
Absract. Reflections on problematic moments in the teaching of statistics as a part of mathematics school education are presented.
Analysis of the Living Standard of the Population and Factors for Its Development
Д-р Лора Рашкова
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. In a consecutive order, this article examines certain topics that connect the “living standard” phenomenon and the opportunities for analysis through a series of parameters (characteristics); the fundamental measurement methods (approaches); other social phenomena and processes in public spaces...
Necessity For Inclusion оf Bad Posture Corrective Exercises Sets In Physical Education аnd Sport Classes аt Bulgarian Universities
Dr. Petya Hristova
University of Sofia
Abstract. For the past thirty years, there is a high incidence of postural and spinal disorders among young people worldwide as well as in Bulgaria. Currently, in Bulgaria, there is no legally assigned structure responsible for the regular screening and prevention of these abnormalities in the rising generation…
A Recapitulation of Research on Intercultural Relations. What Follows from This about Education
Davidkov, Tz. (2019). Crop research. Cultural landmarks of management, Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski , Faculty of Economics, ISBN 978-954-9399-52-3
Prof. Plamen Makariev
Sofia University