Assoc. Prof. Julia Vasseva-Dikova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. One of the well-established methodological approaches in contemporary medicine is the Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) model. There are two methodological ideas that support this model: hierarchy of evidence and Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT’s). In this work, I will present the examples that are standing out of the EBM model explanatory power. I will also show the methodological power of the EBM model into the process of diagnosis and treаtment in contemporary medicine. One of the important problems in the field of philosophy of science will be used to present the anomalies problem in medical theories. The anomalies problem presented as a methodological problem of the EBM model is an open discussion concerning paradigm change in medicine. At the end of the paper some other ideas about progress in medicine will be put in for consideration.
Keywords: philosophy of medicine, anomalies, EBM, diseases, theories, medicine, progress in medicine