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Пред вас е първият брой на сп. „История“ за 2025 година. Завършихме една успешна година. В шестте книжки на списанието, издавани редовно на всеки два месеца от годината, поместихме общо 45 публикации, всичките вече видими в световните бази данни, в които е индексирано сп. „История“: Web of Science (Q3), European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), EBSCO и др. Наши автори през годината бяха утвърдени учени и млади изследователи от България и чужбина. В следване на традициите и съгласно целите и обхвата на списанието, публикуваните в него през 2024 г. статии обогатиха рубриките „От Древността до днес“, „Поглед над Балканите“, Цивилизационни граници“, „Пазители на паметта“, „Документално наследство“, „Подходи в преподаването“.
Освен научните статии на страниците на списанието не пропускахме да информираме нашите читатели за новопоявили се приносни научни издания и за по-значимите научни форуми в страната през годината. Цялото това разнообразно съдържание на сп. „История“ му осигури широк кръг читатели в страната и зад граница. Показателен за това е фактът, видим чрез наукометричните данни на Web of Science, че за последните две години публикациите в списанието почти са удвоили своите цитирания.
Започваме 33-тата годишнина на списанието с желанието да утвърдим и да надградим постигнатото. Стремежът е към още по-голямо разширяване на авторския кръг, към привличането като автори на учени от страни и школи, известни със значимите си постижения, но останали днес по-слабо познати на българските читатели. В следване на заложените високи научни стандарти, сп. „История“ ще продължи да бъде мост между академичната наука и обществото по темите на българската и балканската история, на архивното наследство и на съвременните подходи в хуманитарното образование.
Чл.-кор. проф. д.и.н. Иван Русев
Главен редактор на сп. „История“
Трудният просперитет: недоволството и противниците на зърнения бум от 1846 – 1847 г. в османските Балкани
Dr. Andrea Umberto Gritti
New Europe College | CETOBaC,
École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
Париж, Франция
Abstract. This article seeks to shed light on the opposition sparked by the expansion of grain exports in the Ottoman Balkans during the late 1840s. It addresses key issues in the historiography of institutional and social transformations in the Ottoman Empire during the reform (Tanẓîmât) era. Specifically, it examines the impact of suspending compulsory grain payments to the state and introducing free trade on the population’s food consumption. Drawing on a collection of documents from the Ottoman archives in Istanbul and the Italian diplomatic archives, the article explores how the administration managed emerging supply challenges and the growing opposition among the population to exporters’ activities.
Keywords: Exports; Social conflict; Food consumption; Trade institutions; Ottoman reforms
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The Project for Joint Occupation of Eastern Rumelia
Dr. Nadezhda Vasileva
Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology – BAS
Abstract. A few months prior to the planned withdrawal of the Russian army on the 3rd of May 1879, and also as the term of the European Commission’s work approached its closure, the Great Powers reached a deadlock in Eastern Rumelia. Despite the inherently liberal nature of the Organic Statute elaborated by the Commission, which aimed to grant comprehensive rights to the inhabitants of the province and to establish autonomy, the implementation of Articles XV and XVI of the Treaty of Berlin ‒ allowing the Ottoman authorities to maintain garrisons on the border and send troops into the province ‒ risked triggering an armed resistance from the Bulgarian population against the introduction of the Ottoman authority. In response, the Russian authorities warned that they would be compelled to return to protect the population if an insurrection broke out. However, the British cabinet declared that any such action would lead to war. To avoid this, Britain and Russia began negotiations for the implementation of a joint occupation of Eastern Rumelia by the European forces.
The project for a joint occupation engaged the diplomatic corps of the Great Powers from December 1878 to April 1879. Given the complex diplomatic challenges posed by the project, skillful maneuvering, the use of threats, and the pursuit of mutually beneficial agreements threatened to reopen the Eastern Question. The purpose of this research is to analyze Britain’s political motives for introducing a foreign occupation of Eastern Rumelia in the context of the strategic interests it sought to secure in the Balkans and to examine Russia’s political attitude and response to this issue.
The main sources used in the preparation of this study are documents from The National Archive, the Private Archive of Lord Salisbury and published documents from the Russian archives.
Keywords: Eastern Rumelia, Balkans, Treaty of Berlin, Joint occupation, Britain, Russia
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Йосиф Емигер – неизвестен псевдоним на Иван Драсов
Д-р Денис Иванов
Институт за исторически изследвания – БАН
Abstract. The State Archives – Varna, fund 690 K (Ivan Drasov) preserves three letters from the summer of 1875, written by the Viennese Bulgarian Yanko Kovachev to an addressee in the city of Prague named Joseph Emiger. From the content of the letters, we learn that Joseph Emiger sent Yanko Kovachev various materials intended for publication in the Bulgarian magazine “Letostruy or Home Calendar”. Several circumstances give us reason to assume that Joseph Emiger is a pseudonym used by Ivan Drasov. 1) There is currently no information about a person of Czech origin named Joseph Emiger, who collaborated with the editorial staff of the magazine “Letostruy”. 2) Correspondence using pseudonyms was a frequent practice for Ivan Drasov throughout the entire period of his public activity before the Liberation of Bulgaria. 3) After the Liberation, Drasov himself claims to have collaborated with the magazine “Letostruy”, using the pseudonym “J. E.”.
Keywords: Joseph Emiger, Yanko Kovachev, Ivan Drasov, pseudonym, “Letostruy”
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Визия за формиране на дигитални компетентности в обучението на учители по история и география
Доц. д-р Мая Василева,
гл. ас. д-р Катя Мишева
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“
Abstract. What digital competencies are required by secondary school education, and what is the response of higher education in the context of history and geography teacher training? A number of arguments can be put forward, justifying the relevance of such questions at the current stage. In view of this, the article presents a scientific justification and a comparative analysis of the vision for the formation of digital competences, on the example of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with teachers preparing future teachers in both subjects. The scope of the sample of teachers covers over 70% of the disciplines, distributed by types: pedagogical, psychological, methodical, ICT-based disciplines and teaching practices. The collected data from the conducted interviews are summarized according to thematic directions: development of general digital competencies, development of digital pedagogical competencies, pedagogical approach, training practices, limitations related to educators’ practice, and main conclusions.
Keywords: digital competencies, history education, geography education, history teacher training, geography teacher training
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Програмите на Kорпуса на мира в България (1991 – 2013): цели и реализация
Гл. ас. д-р Симона Самуилова
Институт за исторически изследвания –
Българска академия на науките
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to examine the activities of the Peace Corps in Bulgaria as an instrument of US “soft power”. It is based on research and analysis of documents from the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, annual reports and evaluations of the effectiveness of the volunteer organization during the period of its activity in the country (1991-2013). Using a chronological and thematic approach, the objectives of the organization are outlined. They combine a complex balance between the commitment and voluntary two-year service of thousands of Americans to promote „peace” and „understanding” among nations and the organization’s strategic goals of supporting US foreign policy interests in Central and Eastern Europe after the end of the Cold War. In Bulgaria, these are to promote economic reforms in the transition from a planned to a market economy (economic), to increase American influence (geostrategic), to promote democracy and to strengthen the pro-Western orientation of the younger generations (political).
Keywords: Peace Corps; soft power; public diplomacy; USA; Bulgaria
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Забележителна монография на български византинист
Акад. Васил Гюзелев
Българска академия на науките,
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“
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Темата за бариерите пред стопанското развитие в историческа перспектива, представена на научна конференция и в авторитетно научно издание
Д-р Емилия Вачева
Стопанска академия „Димитър А. Ценов“ – Свищов
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