Dr. Milena Levunlieva, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The present study offers a constructivism-informed answer to the question what to do in post-Covid environment when school-goers share an almost universal assumption that studying does not necessarily mean being at school. To pursue this goal, the survey method is used in exploring students’ changed perceptions of learning. These perceptions arguably stem from the past 2 years of lockdowns when blended learning became the only form of reaching both on-ground and online students attending the same classes. The focus is on a technology specifically designed to improve computer-mediated communication and enhance its role in student motivation and the evaluation of both the quality of educational results and the process of their achievement in blended learning environment. The survey, conducted with high school students, gives grounds to optimize electronic courses and encourages a re-conceptualization of the application of blended learning during on-ground classes in the light of students’ perceptions for streamlining the educational process in terms of both time and resources.
Keywords: knowledge construction; computer mediated communication; communicative strategy; effective communication; blended education