1)Alexander Fedosov, 2)Anastasia Karnaukhova
1)Russian State Social University – Moscow (Russia)
2)Moscow State University of Food Production – Moscow (Russia)
Abstract. The continuous development of technologies on the Internet leads to new threats that can harm the physical and mental health of children and adolescents and their personal safety. The article analyses the importance of creating a culture of information security for children and adolescents, which is necessary to neutralize the negative consequences of Internet threats, highlights the main problems in ensuring the security and development of children in the information space. The article describes the results of the study of Internet projects directed at creating a culture of information security of children and adolescents, as well as projects aimed at ensuring their information security on the Internet. It has been shown that sufficient attention to the problem of creating a culture of information security for children and adolescents has already been paid at the State level and the relevance of solving the problem of developing and implementing educational programs that provide systematic study of the foundations of information security for students has been justified.
Keywords: information security; cyber threats; Internet projects; child safety on Internet; educational environment