Dr. Desislava Siderova, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Diana Petkova, Assist. Prof.
Trakia University – Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article examines the methodological foundations of courses included in the educational process of students from the bachelor’s and master’s programs in pre-school and primary-school pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. The potential of the proposed learning content, which is oriented towards the communication between literary and musical works through the intermediality, is analyzed by modeling a conceptual construct. The specifics of the derived approaches and options for their interaction in the environment of the kindergarten and the primary school (from integration to synergy) are presented. Emphasis is placed on the mastering of competence by future teachers for the implementation of an educational process with the application of strengthened connections between the cognitive fields of the Bulgarian language, literature and music in order to acquire the key cultural competence.
Keywords: culture; integration; synergy; pedagogical competence